MUSEUM OF SAKE is an intangible museum.
It provides education and promotion of craft of sake, connecting Japan to the UK and Europe through a range of special events and courses for the wider public and food industry. Our activities and events allow you to encounter and experience the art of sake, discovering the history, land, climate, weather and craftsmanship of many different regions of Japan.
Through an international growth in the popularity and appreciation of Sake, we are looking to enrich and extend this history to a new generation within Japan and the wider world.
MUSEUM OF SAKE、それは目に見えない日本酒の博物館。
日本の匠の技、日本酒を通して日本と英国、欧州を結ぶ教育とPR活動を展開しています。Museum of Sakeのイベントや講座、プロジェクト活動を通して、日本各地の育てた美しい日本酒とその歴史、土地、風土、天候、伝統技術と文化をより多くの方々に紹介する機会を提供したい。日本酒の国際的な人気向上とより深い理解をつくる場を通して、これまでの日本酒の歴史を日本と世界中の次世代に向けて発信したい。
Organise series of monthly public Sake events to gather and recruit new Sake lovers. Each event will be a collaboration with various expertise leading gastronomy / art / drink culture in the UK and any other part of world.
Publish non-profit based, quarterly bilingual Sake culture magazine to create a platform within the sake industry in the world.
The article will include interviews and essays by sommeliers, chefs and individuals who has a connection in Sake outside of Japan.
Teach and support organisations and individual's sake learning in different levels (i.e. corporate Sake workshops and private tastings)
Promote sponsored Sake brands to restaurants and retails, as well as holding PR events.
Born in 1982 in the family that has been running a Sake brewery in Akita, and a Buddhist temple in Toyama prefecture, both on north-west side of Japan where is nourished with the best ingredients from the mountain and the ocean, and where winter can be severely cold. During her school years in the United States, Natsuki spent most of her time dealing with international volunteering works and documentary film making featuring the boarder issues between the US and Latin American countries. Natsuki went back to Japan and worked 2 and half years at the business and HR consulting firm called Link& Motivation Inc. in Ginza Tokyo.
Her Sake journey, to trace the path of her family roots, had started in 2009.
Natsuki had worked as a “Sake sommelier” at Zuma & Roka restaurant in London, UK, and in 2013. she had launched “Museum of Sake”, the Sake PR and Education agency to introduce and promote Sake to European markets.
Natsuki also works as Senior Sake Researcher at WSET and had helped to set up WSET Level 1, 2, and 3 Award in Sake, which we have over 20,000 students across world.
• Sake Communicator Award 2011 winner by Sake Samurai and International Wine Challenge (IWC)
• Sake Samurai Award 2015 Japan Sake Brewers Association Junior Council Japan
• Future 50 by International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC) and WSET in 2019
• Woman of Year 2024 Innovator Category by Code Hospitality
• Panel Sake judge at IWC Sake Category since 2011
• Executive Sake sommelier at Sake Experience and Sake Award hosted by Hyper Japan since 2012
• Selected as one of Sake Specialist Abroad for Japanese Drinks Export Promotion Consortium (Sake Conso) by National Tax Agency in 2023 & 2024
• Past clients: Endo at Rotunda, Kanesaka London, Pantechnicon, Kioku Bar
1982年 秋田で代々日本酒製造業を営む母と、富山でお寺を構える家系の父のもとに生まれる。学生時代はアメリカにて国際ボランティアやドキュメンタリー映画制作に打ち込み、2007年東京・銀座のリンクアンドモチベーションに新卒入社。その後2009年より大好きな祖父にきっかけをもらい日本酒の世界に飛び込む。
英国ロンドンのモダン・ジャパニーズレストランZUMA、ROKAレストランの「サケソムリエ」を経て、2013年より欧州での日本酒振興を目指したPRおよび教育事業Museum of Sakeを開始。2014年に新設される世界的なワインの教育機関WSET(Wine and Spirit Education Trust)の主幹日本酒研究員としてレベル1、2、3講座資格立ち上げを手掛け、現在世界でのべ2万人の受講者を迎えた。
・2011年 IWCより「サケ・コミュニケーター・アワード(日本酒伝道者賞)」受賞
・2015年 日本酒造青年協議会より「酒サムライ」叙任
・2019年 WSETおよびIWSCの選ぶ「Future 50」に選出
・2024年 Code Hospitality社「Woman of Year」イノベーター部門受賞
・IWC(インターナショナル・ワイン・チャレンジ)2011より SAKE部門 パネル審査員
・ 欧州最大の日本文化イベント「ハイパー・ジャパン」内「サケ・エクスペリエンス」エグゼクティブ・ソムリエ(2012年より)
・Endo at Rotunda、Kanesaka London、PantechniconやKioku Barなどの日本酒コンサルタント